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John Newton (Джон Ньютон)

They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord

When sinners utter boasting words,
And glory in their shame;
The Lord, well-pleased, an ear affords
To those who fear his name.

They often meet to seek his face,
And what they do, or say,
Is noted in his book of grace
Against another day.

For they, by faith, a day descry,
And joyfully expect,
When he, descending from the sky,
His jewels will collect.

Unnoticed now, because unknown,
A poor and suff'ring few;
He comes to claim them for his own,
And bring them forth to view.

With transport then their Saviour's care
And favour they shall prove;
As tender parents guard and spare
The children of their love.

Assembled worlds will then discern
The saints alone are blest;
When wrath shall like an oven burn,
And vengeance strike the rest. 

John Newton's other poems:
  1. That Rock Was Christ
  2. When Hannah Pressed with Grief
  3. Humbled and Silenced by Mercy
  4. Salvation Drawing Nearer
  5. Earthly Prospects Deceitful

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