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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Уоллес Стивенс (Wallace Stevens) (1879-1955)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Тринадцать способов видеть черного дроздаThirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
  2. О современной позииOf Modern Poetry
  3. Открытка из вулканаA Postcard from the Volcano
  4. Tea at the Palaz of Hoon
  5. Re-Statement of Romance
  6. The Emperor of Ice-Cream
  7. A High-Toned Old Christian Woman
  8. The Sense of the Sleight-Of-Hand Man
  9. Six Significant Landscapes
  10. Sonnet
  11. The Snow Man
  12. Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour
  13. The Well Dressed Man with a Beard
  14. Valley Candle
  15. Lunar Paraphrase
  16. The Planet on the Table
  17. The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage
  18. The Plain Sense of Things
  19. Bantams in Pine-Woods
  20. Nomad Exquisite
  21. Continual Conversation with a Silent Man
  22. To the One of Fictive Music
  23. The Poem That Took the Place of a Mountain
  24. A Rabbit as King of the Ghosts
  25. The Idea of Order at Key West
  26. Poem Written at Morning
  27. Domination of Black
  28. Metaphors of a Magnifico
  29. The Plot against the Giant
  30. Looking across the Fields and Watching the Birds Fly
  31. Le Monocle de Mon Oncle
  32. Disillusionment of Ten O’clock
  33. Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself
  34. Of the Surface of Things
  35. The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm
  36. The River of Rivers in Connecticut
  37. Tattoo
  38. Anecdote of the Jar
  39. The Florist Wears Knee-Breeches
  40. Gray Room
  41. Sunday Morning
  42. Peter Quince at the Clavier
  43. To the Roaring Wind
  44. Earthy Anecdotes

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