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Wallace Stevens (Уоллес Стивенс)

Earthy Anecdotes

Every time the bucks went clattering
Over Oklahoma
A firecat bristled in the way.

Wherever they went,
They went clattering,
Until they swerved,
In a swift, circular line,
To the right,
Because of the firecat.

Or until they swerved,
In a swift, circular line,
To the left,
Because of the firecat.

The bucks clattered.
The firecat went leaping,
To the right, to the left,
Bristled in the way.

Later, the firecat closed his bright eyes
And slept.

Wallace Stevens's other poems:
  1. To the Roaring Wind
  2. Metaphors of a Magnifico
  3. Continual Conversation with a Silent Man
  4. Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself
  5. The Plot against the Giant

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