Энн Бронте (Anne Brontë) (1820-1849)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Воспоминание • A Reminiscence
- Строки, сложенные в лесу в ветреный день • Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day
- Зову • Appeal
- Поздравление себе • Self-Congratulation
- Кающемуся • The Penitent
- Night
- Dreams
- The Bluebell
- A Prayer
- Farewell
- The Narrow Way
- A Fragment
- Power of Love
- Home
- Call Me Away
- Stanzas
- If This Be All
- Gloomily the Clouds
- Music on Christmas Morning
- Last Lines
- Yes Thou Art Gone
- Despondency
- Retirement
- Confidence
- Verses to a Child
- A Hymn
- The Three Guides
- Lines Written at Thorp Green
- In Memory of a Happy Day in February
- The Captive Dove
- A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep
- Lines Written from Home
- The Arbour
- Oh, They Have Robbed Me of the Hope
- Weep Not Too Much
- Fluctuations
- To Cowper
- The Consolation
- A Word to the Calvinists
- Past Days
- Severed and Gone, So Many Years!
- A Voice from the Dungeon
- The Student's Serenade
- Alexander and Zenobia
- Vanitas Vanitatis, Etc
- An Orphan's Lament
- Mirth and Mourning
- Verses by Lady Geralda
- My God! O Let Me Call Thee Mine!
Все стихотворения • All poems
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