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Энн Бронте (Anne Brontë) (1820-1849)
Энн Бронте (Anne Bronte)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. ВоспоминаниеA Reminiscence
  2. Строки, сложенные в лесу в ветреный деньLines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day
  3. ЗовуAppeal
  4. Поздравление себеSelf-Congratulation
  5. КающемусяThe Penitent
  6. Night
  7. Dreams
  8. The Bluebell
  9. A Prayer
  10. Farewell
  11. The Narrow Way
  12. A Fragment
  13. Power of Love
  14. Home
  15. Call Me Away
  16. Stanzas
  17. If This Be All
  18. Gloomily the Clouds
  19. Music on Christmas Morning
  20. Last Lines
  21. Yes Thou Art Gone
  22. Despondency
  23. Retirement
  24. Confidence
  25. Verses to a Child
  26. A Hymn
  27. The Three Guides
  28. Lines Written at Thorp Green
  29. In Memory of a Happy Day in February
  30. The Captive Dove
  31. A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep
  32. Lines Written from Home
  33. The Arbour
  34. Oh, They Have Robbed Me of the Hope
  35. Weep Not Too Much
  36. Fluctuations
  37. To Cowper
  38. The Consolation
  39. A Word to the Calvinists
  40. Past Days
  41. Severed and Gone, So Many Years!
  42. A Voice from the Dungeon
  43. The Student's Serenade
  44. Alexander and Zenobia
  45. Vanitas Vanitatis, Etc
  46. An Orphan's Lament
  47. Mirth and Mourning
  48. Verses by Lady Geralda
  49. My God! O Let Me Call Thee Mine!

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