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Менелла Бьют Смедли (Menella Bute Smedley) (1820–1877)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. The Seasons
  2. Birds
  3. Stars
  4. Evening
  5. Two Ways
  6. Heroes
  7. A Ballad
  8. Rain after Drought
  9. A Dirge
  10. Morning
  11. The Snow-Dog
  12. The Sick Child
  13. A Fancy
  14. A Face from the Past
  15. A Character
  16. The Fisherman
  17. A Bird's-Eye View
  18. A Birthday Petition to a Butterfly
  19. Old Donald
  20. The Story of Queen Isabel
  21. The Death of the Captal de Buch
  22. Pats of Butter
  23. The English Merchant and the Saracen Lady
  24. For Music
  25. An Anniversary (On the seventh of September, in this dreariest of years)
  26. A Girl's Love Song
  27. The Vow of Cortes
  28. The Mermaid
  29. The Tournament
  30. Once upon a Time
  31. A Child to a Rose
  32. The New Forest
  33. Lines on the Greek Massacre
  34. The Death of James I
  35. The Knighting of Count Geoffrey of Anjou
  36. What We May See
  37. Wooden Legs
  38. Deaf and Dumb
  39. A Day's Fishing
  40. What Hearest Thou?
  41. The Priest's Speech
  42. A Child's Thought
  43. Two Journeys
  44. Grizzel Hume
  45. The Future
  46. The Captivity of Coeur de Lion
  47. A Remembrance
  48. A Nursery Rhyme
  49. Rizpah
  50. The Death of King Henry the Third
  51. The Battle of Antioch
  52. On the Death of Prince Albert
  53. Parting
  54. A Discovery
  55. A Child's Fancy
  56. Hero Harold
  57. Trial by Jury
  58. To Foxes
  59. The Lay of the Fearless De Courcy
  60. The Lay of Sir William Wallace
  61. The Lady and the Rooks
  62. Disobedience
  63. The Enemies
  64. Sunset
  65. Maidenhood
  66. Eremos and Eudæmon
  67. Waiting for the Tide
  68. The Black Prince of England
  69. What May Happen to a Thimble
  70. Hunting the Wind
  71. The Little Maiden
  72. Garibaldi at Varignano
  73. The Painter
  74. A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush
  75. Granmamma and the Fairies
  76. The Lament of Eleanor of Bretagne
  77. Coeur De Lion and His Horse
  78. A North Pole Story
  79. Lord Rubadub
  80. April Showers
  81. Our Welcome to Garibaldi
  82. When the News about the 'Trent' Came
  83. Bishop Patteson
  84. Feeding the Fairies
  85. An Anniversary (On the seventh of September, two little years gone by)
  86. The Lay of King James I in his Captivity
  87. Two Boys
  88. Love in Sorrow
  89. The Hermit of Gibralter
  90. A Slight Confusion
  91. The Six Burghers of Calais
  92. The Escape of the Empress Matilda
  93. Ranger
  94. The Butterfly and the Fairies
  95. A Letter
  96. Bruce and Douglas
  97. Three Voices
  98. Moral
  99. Copernicus
  100. Earl Strongbow
  101. Ampola
  102. The Choice of the Christian Heroes
  103. The Wedding-Ring
  104. The Little Queen
  105. Cavour
  106. Little Pat and the Parson
  107. The Little Fair Soul
  108. The Wounded Daisy
  109. Puck
  110. I Went to Look for Roses
  111. The Wives of Brixham
  112. The Prince and the Outlaw
  113. A Prayer for One Beloved
  114. Wind Me a Summer Crown
  115. The Fisherman's Wife
  116. Song (Take me from these dreary shades)
  117. Once
  118. A Meeting
  119. A Boy's Aspiration
  120. The Mother's Lesson
  121. Francis the First at Liberty
  122. Lilies
  123. The Little Schooner
  124. In the Fields
  125. To a Little Girl
  126. Crowns for Children
  127. A Contrast
  128. Slain
  129. Nelly's Shilling
  130. The Little White Doe
  131. Windy and Grey Morning
  132. The Rooks' Petition
  133. Children on the Shore
  134. A Dream of the War
  135. The King's Beard
  136. A Sea-Side Fancy
  137. A Plea for Beauty
  138. The Singing Lesson
  139. In the Night
  140. Wishes
  141. One and Another
  142. Song (O Moon)
  143. Jack and Ned
  144. The Brethren of Port Royal
  145. Odin's Sacrifice
  146. Love for the Young
  147. Out of the Depths
  148. The Shadow from the Valley

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