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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Aphra Behn (Афра Бен)

The Dream

All trembling in my arms Aminta lay,
Defending of the bliss I strove to take;
Raising my rapture by her kind delay,
Her force so charming was and weak.
The soft resistance did betray the grant,
While I pressed on the heaven of my desires;
Her rising breasts with nimbler motions pant;
Her dying eyes assume new fires.
Now to the height of languishment she grows,
And still her looks new charms put on;
Now the last mystery of Love she knows,
We sigh, and kiss: I waked, and all was done.

‘Twas but a dream, yet by my heart I knew,
Which still was panting, part of it was true:
Oh how I strove the rest to have believed;
Ashamed and angry to be undeceived! 

Aphra Behn's other poems:
  1. The Regret
  2. On the Death of the Late Earl of Rochester
  3. To the Fair Clarinda
  4. A Congratulatory Poem
  5. Angellica’s Lament

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Byron (Джордж Байрон) The Dream ("Our life is twofold; Sleep hath its own world") Июль 1816
  • John Donne (Джон Донн) The Dream ("DEAR love, for nothing less than thee")
  • Amy Levy (Эми Леви) The Dream ("Believe me, this was true last night")
  • Edna Millay (Эдна Миллей) The Dream ("LOVE, if I weep it will not matter")

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