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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Anna Laetitia Barbauld (Анна-Летиция Барбо)


A Fragment

Farewell the softer hours, Spring's opening blush
And Summer's deeper glow, the shepherd's pipe
Tuned to the murmurs of a weeping spring,
And song of birds, and gay enameled fields,—
Farewell! 'T is now the sickness of the year,
Not to be medicined by the skillful hand.
Pale suns arise that like weak kings behold
Their predecessor's empire moulder from them;
While swift-increasing spreads the black domain
Of melancholy Night;—no more content
With equal sway, her stretching shadows gain
On the bright morn, and cloud the evening sky.
Farewell the careless lingering walk at eve,
Sweet with the breath of kine and new-spread hay;
And slumber on a bank, where the lulled youth,
His head on flowers, delicious languor feels
Creep in the blood. A different season now
Invites a different song. The naked trees
Admit the tempest; rent is Nature's robe;
Fast, fast, the blush of Summer fades away
From her wan cheek, and scarce a flower remains
To deck her bosom; Winter follows close,
Pressing impatient on, and with rude breath
Fans her discoloured tresses. Yet not all
Of grace and beauty from the falling year
Is torn ungenial. Still the taper fir
Lifts its green spire, and the dark holly edged
With gold, and many a strong perennial plant,
Yet cheer the waste: nor does yon knot of oaks
Resign its honours to the infant blast.
This is the time, and these the solemn walks,
When inspiration rushes o'er the soul
Sudden, as through the grove the rustling breeze. 

Anna Laetitia Barbauld's other poems:
  1. To a Lady, with painted Flowers
  2. Song 3 (LEAVE me, simple shepherd, leave me)
  3. On a Lady's Writing
  4. To Miss R—, on her Attendance upon her Mother at Buxton
  5. On the Death of Mrs. Jennings

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Samuel Johnson (Сэмюэл Джонсон) Autumn ("Alas! with swift and silent pace")
  • John Clare (Джон Клэр) Autumn ("The thistledown's flying, though the winds are all still")
  • William Morris (Уильям Моррис) Autumn ("Laden Autumn here I stand")
  • Philip Bailey (Филип Бэйли) Autumn ("Tis Autumn--and the winds are high")
  • Francis Ledwidge (Фрэнсис Ледвидж) Autumn ("Now leafy winds are blowing cold")
  • William Watson (Уильям Уотсон) Autumn ("Thou burden of all songs the earth hath sung")
  • Thomas Nashe (Томас Нэш) Autumn ("Autumn hath all the summer's fruitful treasure")
  • Walter Landor (Уолтер Лэндор) Autumn ("Mild is the parting year, and sweet")
  • Alexander Posey (Александр Поузи) Autumn ("IN the dreamy silence")
  • Lydia Sigourney (Лидия Сигурни) Autumn ("Tree! why hast thou doffed thy mantle of green")
  • Ada Cambridge (Cross) (Ада Кембридж (Кросс)) Autumn ("So still—so still! Only the endless sighing")
  • Alice Bartlett (Элис Бартлетт) Autumn ("The blaze of autumn scorches now the hill")

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