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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок)

In a Boat

Lady! Lady!
Upon Heaven-height,
Above the harsh morning
In the mere light.

Above the spindrift
And above the snow,
Where no seas tumble,
And no winds blow.

The twisting tides,
And the perilous sands
Upon all sides
Are in your holy hands.

The wind harries
And the cold kills;
But I see your chapel
Over far hills.

My body is frozen,
My soul is afraid:
Stretch out your hands to me,
Mother and maid.

Mother of Christ,
And Mother of me,
Save me alive
From the howl of the sea.

If you will Mother me
Till I grow old,
I will hang in your chapel
A ship of pure gold.

Hilaire Belloc's other poems:
  1. Noël
  2. To Dives
  3. Courtesy
  4. Stanzas Written on Battersea Bridge during a South-Westerly Gale
  5. Ballade of Modest Confession

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • David Lawrence (Дэвид Лоуренс) In A Boat ("See the stars, love")

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