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Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок)

Our Lord and Our Lady

  They warned Our Lady for the Child
    That was Our blessed Lord,
  And She took Him into the desert wild,
    Over the camel’s ford.

  And a long song She sang to Him
    And a short story told:
  And She wrapped Him in a woollen cloak
    To keep Him from the cold.

  But when Our Lord was grown a man
    The Rich they dragged Him down,
  And they crucified Him in Golgotha,
    Out and beyond the Town.

  They crucified Him on Calvary,
    Upon an April day;
  And because He had been her little Son
    She followed Him all the way.

  Our Lady stood beside the Cross,
    A little space apart,
  And when She heard Our Lord cry out
    A sword went through Her Heart.

  They laid Our Lord in a marble tomb,
    Dead, in a winding sheet.
  But Our Lady stands above the world
    With the white Moon at Her feet.

Hilaire Belloc's other poems:
  1. Noël
  2. To Dives
  3. Courtesy
  4. Stanzas Written on Battersea Bridge during a South-Westerly Gale
  5. In a Boat

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