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William Wordsworth (Уильям Вордсворт)


LOWTHER! in thy majestic pile are seen
Cathedral pomp and grace, in apt accord
With the baronial castle’s sterner mien:
Union significant of God adored,
And charters won and guarded by the sword
Of ancient honor; whence that goodly state
Of polity which wise men venerate,
And will maintain, if God his help afford.
Hourly the democratic torrent swells;
For airy promises and hopes suborned
The strength of backward-looking thoughts is scorned.
Fall if ye must, ye towers and pinnacles,
With what ye symbolize; authentic story
Will say ye disappeared with England’s glory!

William Wordsworth's other poems:
  1. Сыновьям Бернса после посещения могилы их отцаTo the Sons of Burns
  2. The Kirk of Ulpha
  3. For the Spot Where the Hermitage Stood on St. Herbert’s Island, Derwent Water
  4. On Entering Douglas Bay
  5. The Glen of Loch Etive

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