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William Wordsworth (Уильям Вордсворт)

Suggested at Tyndrum in a Storm

ENOUGH of garlands, of the Arcadian crook,
And all that Greece and Italy have sung
Of swains reposing myrtle groves among!
Ours couch on naked rocks, will cross a brook
Swoln with chill rains, nor ever cast a look
This way or that, or give it even a thought
More than by smoothest pathway may be brought
Into a vacant mind. Can written book
Teach what they learn? Up, hardy mountaineer!
And guide the bard, ambitious to be one	
Of Nature’s privy council, as thou art,
On cloud-sequestered heights, that see and hear
To what dread powers He delegates his part
On earth, who works in the heaven of heavens, alone.

William Wordsworth's other poems:
  1. The Wishing-gate
  2. Gordale
  3. To ——, on Her First Ascent to the Summit of Helvellyn
  4. Oxford, May 30, 1820
  5. Processions

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