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Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott) (Алисия Энн Споттисвуд (леди Джон Скотт))


O WILD and stormy Lammermoor!
  Would I could feel once more
The cold north-wind, the wintry blast,
  That sweeps thy mountains o’er.
Would I could see thy drifted snow
  Deep, deep in cleuch and glen,
And hear the scream of the wild birds,
  And was free on thy hills again!

I hate this dreary southern land,
  I weary day by day
For the music of thy many streams
  In the birchwoods far away!
From all I love they banish me,
  But my thoughts they cannot chain;
And they bear me back, wild Lammermoor!
  To thy distant hills again!

Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott)'s other poems:
  1. Annie Laurie
  2. Ettrick

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