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Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott) (Алисия Энн Споттисвуд (леди Джон Скотт))

Annie Laurie

MAXWELTON braes are bonnie,
  Where early fa's the dew;
An' it's there that Annie Laurie
  Gi'ed me her promise true;
Gi'ed me her promise true,
  Which ne'er forgot shall be;
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
  I'd lay me doun and dee.

Her brow is like the snaw-drift,
  Her throat is like the swan,
Her face it is the fairest
  That e'er the sun shone on;
That e'er the sun shone on --
  An' dark blue is her e'e;
An' for bonnie Annie Laurie
  I'd lay me doun and dee.

Like dew on the gowan lying
  Is the fa' o' her fairy feet;
Like simmer breezes sighing,
  Her voice is low an' sweet;
Her voice is low an' sweet --
  An' she's a' the world to me;
An' for bonnie Annie Laurie
  I'd lay me doun and dee. 

Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott)'s other poems:
  1. Lammermoor
  2. Ettrick

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