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Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott) (Алисия Энн Споттисвуд (леди Джон Скотт))


  Have ye no message for me?
Ye come from the hills of the west,
  Where his step wanders free.
Did he not whisper my name?
  Did he not utter one word,
And trust that its sound o’er the rush
  Of thy streams might be heard?

O murmuring waters!
  The sounds of the moorlands I hear,
The scream of the heron and the eagle,
  The bell of the deer;
The rustling of heather and fern,
  The shiver of grass on the lea,
The sigh of the wind from the hill,
  Hast thou no voice for me?

O murmuring waters!
  Flow on,—ye have no voice for me;
Bear the wild songs of the hills
  To the depths of the sea!
Bright stream, from the founts of the west
  Rush on with thy music and glee!
O, to be borne to my rest
  In the cold waves with thee!

Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott)'s other poems:
  1. Lammermoor
  2. Annie Laurie

Тема стихотворения (Poem Theme): Rivers (Реки)

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