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Thomas Moore (Томас Мур)

From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 77

Would that I were a tuneful lyre,
Of burnished ivory fair,
Which, in the Dionysian choir,
Some blooming boy should bear!

Would that I were a golden vase.
That some bright nymph might hold
My spotless frame, with blushing grace,
Herself as pure as gold!

Thomas Moore's other poems:
  1. From “Irish Melodies”. 47. What the Bee Is to the Floweret
  2. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 16
  3. From “Irish Melodies”. 3. Erin! The Tear and the Smile in Thine Eyes
  4. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 32
  5. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 74

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