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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен)


Bring flowers to strew His way, 
Yea, sing, make holiday; 
Bid young lambs leap, 
And earth laugh after sleep. 

For now He cometh forth
Winter flies to the north, 
Folds wings and cries 
Amid the bergs and ice. 

Yea, Death, great Death is dead, 
And Life reigns in his stead;
Cometh the Athlete 
New from dead Death’s defeat. 

Cometh the Wrestler, 
But Death he makes no stir, 
Utterly spent and done, 
And all his kingdom gone.

Katharine Tynan's other poems:
  1. A Gardener-Sage
  2. Old Song Re-Sung
  3. Alienation
  4. The Foggy Dew
  5. To the Others

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edmund Spenser (Эдмунд Спенсер) Easter ("MOST glorious Lord of Lyfe! that, on this day")
  • George Herbert (Джордж Герберт (Херберт)) Easter ("Rise, heart, thy lord is risen. Sing his praise")
  • Emily Johnson (Эмили Джонсон) Easter ("Lent gathers up her cloak of sombre shading")
  • Joyce Kilmer (Джойс Килмер) Easter ("The air is like a butterfly")

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