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James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915)
Äæåéìñ Ýëðîé Ôëåêêåð (James Elroy Flecker)

The Rating of James Elroy Flecker's Poems

  1. To A Poet A Thousand Years Hence
  2. The Golden Journey to Samarkand
  3. My Friend
  4. Stillness
  5. Oxford Canal
  6. Ideal
  7. The Bridge of Fire
  8. Hassan's Serenade
  9. The Welsh Sea
  10. The Parrot
  11. Prayer
  12. Lord Arnaldos
  13. Envoy
  14. Brumana
  15. A New Year's Carol
  16. The Old Ships
  17. A Ship, An Isle, A Sickle Moon
  18. Don Juan in Hell
  19. Pavlovna in London
  20. Pillage
  21. Yasmin
  22. Fountains
  23. We That Were Friends
  24. Felo De Se
  25. Mignon
  26. The Second Sonnet of Bathrolaire
  27. The Dying Patriot
  28. Sirmio
  29. Narcissus
  30. The Queen's Song
  31. The Sentimentalist
  32. Rioupéroux
  33. I Rose From Dreamless Hours
  34. The Town Without A Market
  35. The First Sonnet of Bathrolaire
  36. Ballad of the Londoner
  37. The Ballad of Hampstead Heath
  38. The Ballad Of The Student In The South
  39. From Grenoble
  40. A Western Voyage
  41. November Eves

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