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William Hamilton Reid (1760?-1826)

The Rating of William Hamilton Reid's Poems

  1. Monody on the Death of Robert Burns
  2. An Elegy to the Memory of Mr. Robert Burns, the Celebrated Scots Poet
  3. Ode to Autumn
  4. Morning. Noon. Evening. Night
  5. Stanzas on Happiness
  6. An Elegy on the Unknown Author of the Ancient Ballad of Chevy Chace
  7. Sonnet to Poesy
  8. The Tomb of Shere, an Oriental Elegy
  9. Invocation to Fancy
  10. Elegy, supposed to be written on a Waste near the Charter-house, London
  11. Invocation to Melancholy
  12. Ode to Reflexion

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