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Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)
Henry Van Dyke (Ãåíðè Âàí Äàéê)

The Rating of Henry Van Dyke's Poems

  1. Life
  2. A Home Song
  3. When Tulips Bloom
  4. Love
  5. The Good Teacher
  6. Music
  7. Indian Summer
  8. Peace
  9. Work
  10. The Message
  11. Departure
  12. Mother Earth
  13. Four Things
  14. The Foolish Fir-Tree
  15. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
  16. The Glory of Ships
  17. Time is
  18. America for Me
  19. Late Spring
  20. Homeward Bound
  21. The Child in the Garden
  22. The Mocking-Bird
  23. They Who Tread the Path of Labor
  24. Shelley
  25. Two Schools
  26. Robert Browning
  27. America’s Prosperity
  28. Liberty Enlightening the World
  29. God of the Open Air
  30. Pan Learns Music
  31. Arrival
  32. The Price of Peace
  33. Hide and Seek
  34. Light Between the Trees
  35. Mare Liberum
  36. Might and Right
  37. Hymn of Joy
  38. Stars and the Soul
  39. Hudson’s Last Voyage
  40. To James Whitcomb Riley
  41. Undine
  42. The Bells of Malines
  43. A Mile with Me
  44. Love’s Reason
  45. Flood-Tide of Flowers
  46. Jesus, Thou Divine Companion
  47. Urbs Coronata
  48. The Name of France
  49. The Vain King
  50. Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  51. Sicily, December 1908
  52. The Statue of Sherman by St. Gaudens
  53. A Prayer for a Mother’s Birthday
  54. America
  55. Spring in the South
  56. The White Bees
  57. Love's Nearness
  58. A Health to Mark Twain
  59. Gratitude
  60. New Year's Eve
  61. Hesper
  62. Milton
  63. Victor Hugo
  64. A Rondeau of College Rhymes
  65. Wordsworth
  66. The Oxford Thrushes
  67. Twilight in the Alps
  68. The Proud Lady
  69. A Noon Song
  70. Dulcis Memoria
  71. The Sun-Dial at Wells College
  72. Autumn in the Garden
  73. Edmund Clarence Stedman
  74. Portrait and Reality
  75. Remarks about Kings
  76. My April Lady
  77. Jeanne d’Arc Returns
  78. If All the Skies
  79. Katrina's Sun-Dial
  80. Longfellow
  81. Doors of Daring
  82. To Julia Marlowe
  83. The Hermit Thrush
  84. Lights Out
  85. The Gentle Traveller
  86. Without Disguise
  87. Master of Music
  88. Echoes from the Greek Mythology
  89. The Empty Quatrain
  90. Inscriptions for a Friend's House
  91. Nepenthe
  92. One World
  93. Stand Fast!
  94. The Black Birds
  95. The Wind of Sorrow
  96. Jeanne d’Arc
  97. Francis Makemie
  98. Reliance
  99. Storm-Music
  100. Fire-Fly City
  101. Keats
  102. Love in a Look
  103. National Monuments
  104. A Scrap of Paper
  105. Patria
  106. War-Music
  107. Christ of Everywhere
  108. Sea-Gulls of Manhattan
  109. The Ancestral Dwelling
  110. The Heavenly Hills of Holland
  111. The Red Flower
  112. A Lover’s Envy
  113. The Window
  114. A Legend of Service

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