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William Cowper (1731-1800)
William Cowper

The Rating of William Cowper's Poems

  1. Report of an Adjudged Case
  2. On the Loss of the “Royal George”
  3. The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk
  4. The Nightingale and Glow-worm
  5. The Rose
  6. Boadicea
  7. To Mary
  8. Friendship
  9. The Snail
  10. The Poplar Field
  11. A Child of God Longing to See Him Beloved
  12. A Comparison
  13. Charity
  14. A Riddle
  15. Love Constrained to Obedience
  16. Wisdom
  17. Yardley Oak
  18. God Moves in a Mysterious Way
  19. The Ice Palace
  20. The Nativity
  21. On the Burning of Lord Mansfield's Library
  22. Sardis
  23. A Fable
  24. On the High Price of Fish
  25. The Castaway
  26. The Swallow
  27. Grace and Providence
  28. Not Works
  29. Retirement
  30. Divine Justice Amiable
  31. Welcome Cross
  32. Written in a Quarrel
  33. Familiarity Dangerous
  34. On Receipt of My Mother's Picture
  35. Aspirations of the Soul after God
  36. Sonnet to a Young Lady on Her Birth-Day
  37. The Perfect Sacrifice
  38. On the Neglect of Homer
  39. Walking with God
  40. The Negro's Complaint
  41. The Lily and the Rose
  42. For the Poor
  43. On The Death of a Minister
  44. Hatred of Sin
  45. To Sir Joshua Reynolds
  46. Epitaphium Alterum
  47. The Sower
  48. God Neither Known Nor Loved by the World
  49. Of Himself
  50. Conversation
  51. An Enigma
  52. On Opening a Place for Social Prayer
  53. An Attempt at the Manner of Waller
  54. The Parrot
  55. The Maze
  56. On Flaxman's Penelope
  57. Lines Written during a Period of Insanity
  58. Mary and John
  59. The Secrets of Divine Love Are to Be Kept
  60. On Miltiades
  61. Epitaph on a Hare
  62. Pleading for and with Youth
  63. Lively Hope and Gracious Fear
  64. Dependence
  65. By Heraclides
  66. A Poetical Epistle to Lady Austen
  67. The Narrow Way
  68. By Callimachus
  69. Seeking the Beloved
  70. My Soul Thirsteth for God
  71. God Hides His People
  72. To Mrs. Newton
  73. Repose in God
  74. Simple Trust
  75. Peace after a Storm
  76. Contentment
  77. Inscription for a Stone
  78. Human Frailty
  79. The Cricket
  80. The Dog and the Water Lily
  81. The Doves
  82. By Moschus
  83. Welcome to the Table
  84. Praise for Faith
  85. To The Rev. Mr. Newton
  86. A Figurative Description of the Procedure of Divine Love
  87. I Will Praise the Lord at All Times
  88. The Diverting History of John Gilpin
  89. Mourning and Longing
  90. The New Convert
  91. Denner's Old Woman
  92. Heroism
  93. Ephraim Repenting
  94. Afflictions Sanctified by the Word
  95. Catharina
  96. The Glowworm
  97. The Cantab
  98. The Christian
  99. Joy in Martyrdom
  100. Abuse of the Gospel
  101. By Philemon
  102. No Sorrow Peculiar to the Sufferer

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