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Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802-1838)
Letitia Elizabeth Landon (Ëåòèöèÿ Ýëèçàáåò Ëýíäîí)

The Rating of Letitia Elizabeth Landon's Poems

  1. Revenge
  2. The Castle of Chillon
  3. The Storm
  4. A Legend of Tintagel Castle
  5. Stanzas
  6. A Dream
  7. Oxford Street
  8. Cemetery of the Smolensko Church
  9. Corinna
  10. Piccadilly
  11. Answer
  12. Love's Parting Wreath
  13. Dirge
  14. The Star
  15. Curtius
  16. Secrets
  17. Kate Kearney
  18. Fountain’s Abbey
  19. The Power of Words
  20. Cafes in Damascus
  21. Addressed to —
  22. Lines
  23. Absence (I will not say, I fear your absent one)
  24. The Poor
  25. The Ruined Cottage
  26. Windleshaw Abbey, or, The Funeral
  27. Liverpool
  28. A Summer Day
  29. Lines to ——— (No, no! thou hast broken the spell that entwin'd me)
  30. Children
  31. The Pilgrim
  32. Hannibal's Oath
  33. Sonnet (I envy not the traveller's delight)
  34. Lines Addressed to Colonel H——, on His Return from Waterloo
  35. Song (A mouth that is itself a rose)
  36. Furness Abbey
  37. The Rush-Bearing at Ambleside
  38. Sir Thomas Lawrence
  39. Amelioration and the Future, Man's Noble Tasks
  40. Lines to ——— (Think of me, and I'll tell thee when)
  41. The Farewell
  42. A Lover's Dream
  43. Answer to —
  44. Hebe
  45. Lancaster
  46. The Crusader
  47. The Tournament
  48. Love’s Choice
  49. Dartmouth Castle, or, The Sea-Shore
  50. The Nameless Grave
  51. To Sir John Doyle, Bart
  52. The Village of the Lepers
  53. To ———
  54. Castle Building
  55. Stanzas, Adapted to Music by ---
  56. Fragment (Is not this grove)
  57. Ideal Likenesses. Ariadne
  58. A Name
  59. Absence (Oh! never can we feel how dear)
  60. Fragment (I saw her amid pleasure's gayest haunts)
  61. The Missionary’s Wife
  62. Sassoor, in the Deccan, or, Thoughts of Christmas-Day in India
  63. Ornaments
  64. The Sheperd Boy
  65. Warning
  66. Age and Youth
  67. Fragment (It is not spring, but still the new-come year)
  68. Linmouth, or, The Country Retreat
  69. The Indian Girl, or, She Sat Alone Beside Her Hearth
  70. The Improvisatrice
  71. Portrait
  72. Lines Addressed to Miss Bisset
  73. Fable
  74. Lines on ——
  75. The Phoenix and the Dove
  76. The Evening Prayer, or The Orphan
  77. The Reply of the Fountain
  78. Sleeping Child
  79. Song (I wrote my name upon the sand)
  80. Collegiate Church, Manchester, or, The Minster
  81. Sketch of a Painting of Santa Malvidera, Escaped Miraculously from Shipwreck
  82. Fragment (Love thee! yes, yes! the storms that rend aside)
  83. Sonnet (Green willow! over whom the perilous blast)
  84. Sonnet (It is not in the day of revelry)
  85. Rosalie
  86. Sketch of Scenery
  87. The Guerilla Chief
  88. Roland’s Tower

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