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Alexander Brome (1620-1666)

The Rating of Alexander Brome's Poems

  1. The Mad Lover
  2. To a Painted Lady
  3. The Royalist
  4. A Ballad
  5. The Resolve
  6. The Advice
  7. Out of Catallus
  8. A Dialogue
  9. The Riddle
  10. The Answer
  11. An Ode of Anacreon paraphrased
  12. On a Butchers Dog That Bit a Commanders Mare, That Stood to Be Knight of a Shire
  13. The Clown
  14. A Friend
  15. The Recovery
  16. For General Monk, His Entertainment at Clothworkers' Hall
  17. The New Courtier
  18. The Indifferent
  19. The Prisoners
  20. On the Queens Arrival
  21. On Canary
  22. A Wife
  23. The Independants Resolve
  24. A Mock-Song ('TIs true, I never was in love)
  25. A Serious Ballade
  26. To a Widow
  27. Copernicus
  28. Palinode
  29. The Mock-Song by T. J.
  30. The Libertine
  31. The Young Lover
  32. On Sir G. B. his Defeat
  33. On Claret
  34. The Attempt
  35. Advice to Caelia
  36. The Levellers Rant
  37. The Commoners
  38. The Saints Encouragement
  39. A Mock-Song (HAng up Mars)
  40. The Contrary
  41. On the Demolishing the Forts
  42. To his Mistress (MY Theodora, can those eyes)
  43. The Troper
  44. Reasons of Love
  45. For General Monk His Entertainment at Cloath-Workers-Hall
  46. Upon a Sign-post, set up at Skoale in Norfolk
  47. A New Ballad
  48. The Answer to the Curse against Ale
  49. Epithalamy
  50. Love's without Reason
  51. Practick Love
  52. Satisfaction
  53. To a coy Lady
  54. For the General's Entertainment
  55. The Damosel
  56. To his Mistress (LAdy you'l wonder when you see)
  57. To his Friend that had vow'd Small-Beer
  58. The Polititian
  59. The New Knight Errant
  60. The Hard Heart
  61. The Cavalier
  62. Plain Dealing
  63. The Murmurer
  64. Loves Anarchy
  65. The Cheerful Heart
  66. On the Kings Return
  67. A Catch
  68. The Companion
  69. The Leveller
  70. The Club
  71. An Ode
  72. The Counsel
  73. Upon the Cavaliers departing out of London
  74. The Good-fellow
  75. To his Mistress affrighted in the wars
  76. The Antipolititian
  77. Against Corrupted Sack
  78. Made and Set Extempore
  79. The Satyr of Money
  80. The Holy Pedler
  81. The New Gentry
  82. The Wary Woer
  83. To his Mistress (WHy dost thou frown my dear, on me?)
  84. A Round
  85. The Pastoral
  86. The Prodigal
  87. The New Mountebank
  88. To a Lady that turned her Cheek
  89. The Reformation
  90. The Safe Estate

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