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Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
Charles Wesley (×àðëüç Óýñëè)

The Rating of Charles Wesley's Poems

  1. Wrestling Jacob
  2. Morning Hymn
  3. For Christmas Day
  4. Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
  5. Let the Beasts Their Breath Resign
  6. Sinners, Obey the Gospel-Word!
  7. Take My Heart, O Fa­ther!
  8. Hark! A Voice Div­ides the Sky
  9. Sinners, Turn, Why Will Ye Die?
  10. O God the Great
  11. Happy Soul That Free from Harms
  12. All That Pass By, to Jesus Draw Near
  13. Tried Is Ev­ery Faith­ful Man
  14. Ye Ser­vants of the Lord
  15. God, the Offended God Most High
  16. Ho! Everyone That Thirsts, Draw Nigh
  17. Ye Simple Souls That Stray
  18. Join All Ye Joy­ful Na­tions
  19. Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin?
  20. Jesus, from Whom All Blessings Grow
  21. Rejoice Evermore with Angels Above
  22. Righteous, Sin Aveng­ing God
  23. Thy Faithfulness, Lord
  24. Come, Ye That Love the Lord
  25. Dear Dy­ing Lamb
  26. God of Truth, and Pow­er, and Love
  27. Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined
  28. Love Divine! What Hast Thou Done!
  29. Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus
  30. Being of Be­ings
  31. Happy the Souls That First Believed
  32. Come, O My Soul, the Call Obey
  33. Stupendous Love of God Most High!
  34. Behold the Saviour of Mankind
  35. Father of Ev­er­last­ing Grace
  36. Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come
  37. Jesus, We Look to Thee
  38. Saviour, The World's and Mine
  39. I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb of God
  40. Happy the Man That Finds the Grace
  41. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
  42. What Could Your Redeemer Do
  43. Weary Souls, That Wander Wide
  44. Father, Saviour of Mankind
  45. Extended on a Cursed Tree
  46. Eternal Spir­it, Come
  47. Ye Thirsty for God, To Jesus Give Ear

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