Charles Wesley (1707-1788) English clergyman, poet and hymn writer

Poems by Charles Wesley - “All That Pass By, to Jesus Draw Near”
- “Behold the Saviour of Mankind”
- Being of Beings
- “Come, O My Soul, the Call Obey”
- “Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus”
- “Come, Ye That Love the Lord”
- “Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come”
- “Dear Dying Lamb”
- “Eternal Spirit, Come”
- “Extended on a Cursed Tree”
- “Father of Everlasting Grace”
- “Father, Saviour of Mankind”
- For Christmas Day
- “Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild”
- “God of Truth, and Power, and Love”
- “God, the Offended God Most High”
- “Happy Soul That Free from Harms”
- “Happy the Man That Finds the Grace”
- “Happy the Souls That First Believed”
- “Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined”
- “Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky”
- “Ho! Everyone That Thirsts, Draw Nigh”
- “I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb of God”
- “Jesus, from Whom All Blessings Grow”
- “Jesus, We Look to Thee”
- “Join All Ye Joyful Nations”
- “Let the Beasts Their Breath Resign”
- “Love Divine! What Hast Thou Done!”
- Morning Hymn
- “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”
- “O God the Great”
- “Rejoice Evermore with Angels Above”
- “Righteous, Sin Avenging God”
- “Saviour, The World's and Mine”
- “Sinners, Obey the Gospel-Word!”
- “Sinners, Turn, Why Will Ye Die?”
- “Stupendous Love of God Most High!”
- “Take My Heart, O Father!”
- Thy Faithfulness, Lord
- “Tried Is Every Faithful Man”
- “Weary Souls, That Wander Wide”
- “What Could Your Redeemer Do”
- “Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin?”
- Wrestling Jacob
- “Ye Servants of the Lord”
- “Ye Simple Souls That Stray”
- “Ye Thirsty for God, To Jesus Give Ear”
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