Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) American poet and playwright

Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay - A Visit to the Asylum
- Afternoon on a Hill
- Alms
- An Ancient Gesture
- “And do you think that love itself”
- Apostrophe to Man
- Ashes of Life
- Assault
- Autumn Daybreak
- Being Young and Green
- Blight
- Burial
- Childhood is the Kingdom where Nobody Dies
- Chorus
- City Trees
- Conscientious Objector
- Daphne
- Departure
- Dirge without Music
- Dirge
- Doubt No More That Oberon
- Ebb
- Eel-Grass
- Elegy before Death
- Elegy
- Epitaph
- Exiled
- Feast
- First Fig
- Fontaine, Je Ne Boirai Pas De Ton Eau!
- God’s World
- Grown-up
- “Here Is A Wound That Never Will Heal, I Know”
- “I Dreamed I Moved Among The Elysian Fields”
- “I Know I Am But Summer To Your Heart”
- “I Know The Face Of Falsehood And Her Tongue”
- If Still Your Orchards Bear
- Indifference
- Inland
- Intention to Escape from Him
- Interim
- Invocation to the Muses
- Journey
- Justice Denied in Massachusetts
- Kin to Sorrow
- Lament
- Lines Written in Recapitulation
- Love is Not All
- Low-Tide
- MacDougal Street
- “Make Bright The Arrows”
- Mariposa
- Memorial to D.C.
- Menses
- Midnight Oil
- Mist in the Valley
- “My Most Distinguished Guest And Learned Friend”
- “Night Is My Sister, And How Deep In Love”
- “Not Even My Pride Shall Suffer Much”
- “Not In A Silver Casket Cool With Pearls”
- Ode to Silence
- Oh, Oh, You Will Be Sorry
- Passer Mortuus Est
- Pastoral
- “Pity Me Not Because The Light Of Day”
- Portrait by a Neighbour
- Prayer to Persephone
- Recuerdo
- Renascence
- Rosemary
- Scrub
- Second Fig
- She is Overheard Singing
- Song of a Second April
- Sonnet (Women Have Loved Before As I Love Now)
- Sonnet 01: Thou Art Not Lovelier Than Lilacs,—No
- Sonnet 02: Time Does Not Bring Relief; You All Have Lied
- Sonnet 03: Mindful Of You The Sodden Earth In Spring
- Sonnet 04: Not In This Chamber Only At My Birth
- Sonnet 05: If I Should Learn, In Some Quite Casual Way
- Sonnet 06: Bluebeard
- Sonnets 02: Into The Golden Vessel Of Great Song
- Sonnets 03: Not With Libations, But With Shouts And Laughter
- Sonnets 04: Only Until This Cigarette Is Ended
- Sonnets 05: Once More Into My Arid Days Like Dew
- Sonnets 06: No Rose That In A Garden Ever Grew
- Sonnets 07: When I Too Long Have Looked Upon Your Face
- Sonnets 08: And You As Well Must Die, Beloved Du
- Sonnets 09: Let You Not Say Of Me When I Am Old
- Sonnets 10: Oh, My Beloved, Have You Thought Of This
- Sonnets 11: As To Some Lovely Temple, Tenantless
- Sonnets 12: Cherish You Then The Hope I Shall Forget
- Sorrow
- Souvenir
- Spring
- “Sweet Love, Sweet Thorn, When Lightly To My Heart”
- Tavern
- The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver
- The Bean-Stalk
- The Betrothal
- The Blue-Flag in the Bog
- The Buck in the Snow
- The Concert
- The Curse
- The Death of Autumn
- The Dream
- The Fawn
- The Fledgling
- The Goose-Girl
- The Hedge of Hemlocks
- The Leaf and the Tree
- The Little Ghost
- The Little Hill
- The Merry Maid
- The Penitent
- The Philosopher
- The Plaid Dress
- The Poet and His Book
- The Return from Town
- The Shroud
- The Singing-Woman from the Wood’s Edge
- The Snow Storm
- The Spring and the Fall
- The Suicide
- The True Encounter
- The Unexplorer
- The Wood Road
- “Think Not, Not For A Moment Let Your Mind”
- Three Songs of Shattering
- Thursday
- To a Poet That Died Young
- To Kathleen
- To S. M.
- To the Not Impossible Him
- To Those Without Pity
- Travel
- Two Sonnets in Memory
- Underground System
- “WE Talk of Taxes”
- Weeds
- Well, I Have Lost You
- What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why
- When the Year Grows Old
- “When We Are Old And These Rejoicing Veins”
- “Whereas At Morning In A Jeweled Crown”
- Wild Swans
- Witch-Wife
- Wraith
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