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Poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay

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I dreamed I moved among the Elysian fields,
In converse with sweet women long since dead;
And out of blossoms which that meadow yields
I wove a garland for your living head.
Danai, that was the vessel for a day
Of golden Jove, I saw, and at her side,
Whom Jove the Bull desired and bore away,
Europa stood, and the Swan’s featherless bride.
All these were mortal women, yet all these
Above the ground had had a god for guest;
Freely I walked beside them and at ease,
Addressing them, by them again addressed,
And marvelled nothing, for remembering you,
Wherefore I was among them well I knew.

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edna St. Vincent Millay's other poems:
  1. Pastoral
  2. The True Encounter
  3. Second Fig
  4. Memorial to D.C.
  5. Tavern

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