Stephen Crane (1871-1900) American poet, novelist, and short story writer

Poems by Stephen Crane - "Have you ever made a just man?"
- "It was wrong to do this," said the angel
- "Think as I think," said a man
- "Truth," said a traveller
- "What says the sea, little shell?"
- “A god in wrath”
- “A learned man came to me once”
- “A little ink more or less!”
- “A man feared that he might find an assassin”
- “A man said to the universe”
- “A man saw a ball of gold in the sky”
- “A man toiled on a burning road”
- “A man went before a strange God”
- “A newspaper is a collection of half-injustices”
- “A slant of sun on dull brown walls”
- “A spirit sped”
- “A youth in apparel that glittered”
- “And you love me”
- “Ay, workman, make me a dream”
- “Behold, from the land of the farther suns”
- “Behold, the grave of a wicked man”
- “Black riders came from the sea”
- “Blustering God”
- “Charity thou art a lie”
- “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”
- “Each small gleam was a voice”
- “Fast rode the knight”
- “Forth went the candid man”
- “Friend, your white beard sweeps the ground”
- “God fashioned the ship of the world carefully”
- “God lay dead in heaven”
- “I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night”
- “I have heard the sunset song of the birches”
- “I Heard thee Laugh”
- “I looked here”
- “I met a seer”
- “I saw a man pursuing the horizon”
- “I stood musing in a black world”
- “I stood upon a high place”
- “I stood upon a highway”
- “I walked in a desert”
- “I was in the darkness”
- “If I should cast off this tattered coat”
- “If there is a witness to my little life”
- “In a lonely place”
- “In heaven”
- “In the desert”
- “In the night”
- “Little Birds of the Night”
- “Love walked alone”
- “Many red devils ran from my heart”
- “Many workmen”
- “Mystic shadow, bending near me”
- “On the desert”
- “On the horizon the peaks assembled”
- “Once a man clambering to the housetops”
- “Once I saw mountains angry”
- “Once there came a man”
- “Once there was a man”
- “Once, I knew a fine song”
- “Places among the stars”
- “Should the wide world roll away”
- “Supposing that I should have the courage”
- “Tell brave deeds of war”
- “The chatter of a death-demon from a tree-top”
- “The impact of a dollar upon the heart”
- “The livid lightnings flashed in the clouds”
- “The ocean said to me once”
- “The sage lectured brilliantly”
- “The successful man has thrust himself”
- “The trees in the garden rained flowers”
- The Way Your Little Finger Moved
- “The wayfarer”
- “There came whisperings in the winds”
- “There was a great cathedral”
- “There was a land where lived no violets”
- “There was a man and a woman”
- “There was a man who lived a life of fire”
- “There was a man with tongue of wood”
- “There was crimson clash of war”
- “There was one I met upon the road”
- “There was set before me a mighty hill”
- “There was, before me”
- “There were many who went in huddled procession”
- “Three little birds in a row”
- “To the maiden”
- “Tradition, thou art for suckling children”
- “Two or three angels”
- “Upon the road of my life”
- “Walking in the sky”
- “Well, then I hate thee, unrighteous picture”
- “When a people reach the top of a hill”
- “When the prophet, a complacent fat man”
- “Why do you strive for greatness, fool?”
- “With eye and with gesture”
- “Yes, I have a thousand tongues”
- “You tell me this is God?”
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