Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778) English poet and hymn writer

Poems by Augustus Montague Toplady - A Debtor to Mercy Alone
- “Amplest Grace in Thee I Find”
- “Bowed with a Sense of Sin”
- “Deathless Principle! Arise”
- Desiring to Be Given up to God
- “Encompassed with Clouds of Distress”
- “Father of Love, to Thee I Bend”
- “Fountain of Never Ceasing Grace”
- God of Love
- “Grace, 'Tis a Charming Sound”
- “Great God, Whom Heaven, and Earth and Sea”
- He Dwelleth in You
- “Jesus, by Whose Grace I Live”
- Lord, Save Us, We Perish
- “O Thou That Hear’st the Prayer of Faith”
- Rock of Ages
- “Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve”
- “Thee, Father, We Bless”
- There Is Mercy with Thee
- “What Though I Cannot Break My Chain”
- “When Languor and Disease Invade”
- “Your Harps, Ye Trembling Saints”
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