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Poem by Caroline Fry (Wilson)


WE walk'd by the side
   Of the tranquil stream,
That the sun had tinged
   With his parting beam;
The water was still,
   And so crystal clear,
That every spray
   Had its image there.

And every reed
   That o'er it bow'd,
And the crimson streak,
   And the silvery cloud,
And all that was bright,
   And all that was fair,
And all that was gay,
   Was reflected there.

And they said it was like
   To the chasten'd breast,
That religion soothes
   To a holy rest;
When sorrow has tam'd
   The impassion'd eye,
And the bosom reflects
   Its expected sky.

But I took a stone
   That lay beside,
And I cast it far
   On the glassy tide;
And gone was the charm
   Of the pictur'd scene,
And the sky so bright,
   And the landscape green.

And I bade them mark
   How an idle word,
Too lightly said,
   And too deeply heard,
Or a harsh reproof,
   Or a look unkind,
May spoil the peace
   Of the heavenly mind.

Though sweet be the peace,
   And holy the calm,
And the heavenly beam
   Be bright and warm;
The heart that it gilds
   Is all as weak
As the wave that reflects
   The crimson streak.

You cannot impede
   The celestial ray,
That lights the dawn
   Of eternal day;
But so may you trouble
   The bosom it cheers,
'Twill cease to be true
   To the image it bears.

Caroline Fry (Wilson)

Caroline Fry (Wilson)'s other poems:
  1. Israel's Prayer
  2. The Harp of Judah
  3. The Lily
  4. Nature
  5. To a Friend

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Percy Shelley Evening ("The sun is set; the swallows are asleep")
  • John Clare Evening ("Tis evening; the black snail has got on his track")
  • Charlotte Smith Evening ("OH! soothing hour, when glowing day")
  • Charles Mackay Evening ("Tis sweet at morn among the corn")
  • John Keble Evening ("’Tis gone, that bright and orbèd blaze")
  • Joanna Baillie Evening ("HOW lovely, Evening, is thy parting smile!")
  • Robert Anderson Evening ("How sweet 'tis to rove at the close of the day")
  • Thomas Aird Evening ("Those shouts proclaim the village school is out")
  • Oliver Holmes Evening ("DAY hath put on his jacket, and around")
  • Marjorie Pickthall Evening ("WHEN the white iris folds the drowsing bee")
  • Menella Smedley Evening ("It is the hour of evening")
  • Hilda Doolittle Evening ("The light passes")
  • Ann Cristall Evening ("IN clouds drew on the evening's close")
  • Walter De la Mare Evening ("When twilight darkens, and one by one")

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