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Poem by Albery Allson Whitman

Old Abe, the War Eagle of Wisconsin

Heard ye of "Old Abe", the war eagle who went
From his home by the Lakes to the far sunny coasts,
To share the brave fortunes of that regiment
Which numbered the Eighth in Wisconsin's proud hosts?

When army clouds mingled in that civil storm
Which hung o'er the Nation in deep low'ring gloom,
Above a horizon of breastworks his form,
The emblem of Liberty, proudly did plume.

Away in the dimness of uncertain strife
He spread his bold flight towards Victory's sky —
Tho' treason smote hard at the National life —
And soared to her parapets looking on high.

From whence mangled Slavery, low at the feet
Of proud stamping battle, he stooped then to spurn,
And homeward flew back with the brave boys to meet
The loved ones who wainted to hail their return.

Albery Allson Whitman

Albery Allson Whitman's other poems:
  1. Morton
  2. The Montenegrin
  3. Saville
  4. Flight of Leeona
  5. Custar's Last Ride

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