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Poem by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne


“WHEN ye gang awa’, Jamie,
  When ye gang awa’, laddie,
What will ye gi’e my heart to cheer,
  When ye are far awa’, Jamie?”

“I ’ll gi’e ye a braw new gown, Jeanie,
  I ’ll gi’e ye a braw new gown, lassie,
An’ it will be a silken ane,
  Wi’ Valenciennes trimmed round, Jeanie.”

“O, that ’s nae luve at a’, laddie,
  That ’s nae luve at a’, Jamie,
How could I bear braw gowns to wear,
  When ye are far awa’, laddie?

“But mind me when awa’, Jamie,
  Mind me when awa’, laddie,
For out o’ sicht is out o’ mind	
  Wi’ mony folk we ken, Jamie.”

“O, that can never be, Jeanie,
  Forgot ye ne’er can be, lassie;
O, gang wi’ me to the north countrie,
  My bonnie bride to be, Jeanie.

“The hills are grand and hie, Jeanie,
  The burnies runnin’ clear, lassie,
’Mang birks and braes, where wild deer strays,
  O, come wi’ me, and see, lassie.”

“I winna gang wi’ thee, laddie,	
  I tell’d ye sae afore, Jamie;
Till free consent my parents gi’e,
  I canna gang wi’ thee, Jamie.”

“But when ye ’re wed to me, Jeanie,
  Then they will forgi’e, lassie;
How can ye be sae cauld to me,
  Wha ’s lo’ed ye weel and lang, lassie.”

“No sae lang as them, laddie,
  No sae lang as them, Jamie;
A grief to them I wadna be,
  No for the Duke himsel’, Jamie.

“We ’ll save our penny fee, laddie,
  To keep frae poortith free, Jamie;
An’ then their blessing they will gi’e
  Baith to you and me, Jamie.”

“Huntingtower is mine, lassie,
  Huntingtower is mine, Jeanie;
Huntingtower an’ Blairnagower,
  An’ a’ that ’s mine is thine, Jeanie!”

Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne's other poems:
  1. Hey the Rantin' Murray's Ha'
  2. My Bonnie Hieland Laddie
  3. Would You Be Young Again?
  4. Adieu to Strathearn
  5. Fell He on the Field of Fame

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