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Poem by Jones Very


I thank thee, Father, that the night is near
When I this conscious being may resign;
Whose only task thy words of love to hear,
And in thy acts to find each act of mine;
A task too great to give a child like me,
The myriad-handed labors of the day,
Too many for my closing eyes to see,
Thy words too frequent for my tongue to say;
Yet when thou see'st me burthened by thy love,
Each other gift more lovely then appears,
For dark-robed night comes hovering from above,
And all thine other gifts to me endears;
And while within her darkened couch I sleep,
Thine eyes untired above will constant vigils keep.

Jones Very

Jones Very's other poems:
  1. The Grave Yard
  2. The Spirit Land
  3. To the Hummingbird
  4. Yourself
  5. The Fair Morning

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Anne Brontë Night ("I love the silent hour of night")
  • William Morris Night ("I am Night: I bring again")
  • Thomas Aird Night ("From sleepless work, and a ne'er-setting sun")
  • George Russell Night ("HEART-HIDDEN from the outer things I rose")
  • William Browne Night ("Now great Hyperion left his golden throne")
  • Henry Longfellow Night ("Into the darkness and the hush of night")
  • Charles Heavysege Night ("'Tis solemn darkness; the sublime of shade")
  • Sidney Lanier Night ("Fair is the wedded reign of Night and Day")
  • James Thomson Night ("HE cried out through the night")
  • Ella Wilcox Night ("As some dusk mother shields from all alarms")
  • Lucy Montgomery Night ("A pale enchanted moon is sinking low")
  • Epes Sargent Night ("But, oh! the night—the cool, luxurious night")
  • Ann Radcliffe Night ("Now Ev'ning fades! her pensive step retires")
  • Charles Williams Night ("Through His first darkness here He sleeps at ease")
  • Walter De la Mare Night ("All from the light of the sweet moon")

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