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Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн (Madison Julius Cawein) (1865-1914)
Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. The Christmas Tree
  2. The Forest Spring
  3. October (I OFT have met her slowly wandering)
  4. Rain and Wind
  5. A Valentine
  6. Bad Luck
  7. Halloween
  8. Clouds
  9. In Autumn
  10. Christmas Eve
  11. Before the Rain
  12. Death
  13. A Mood
  14. October (Long hosts of sunlight, and the bright wind blows)
  15. After Rain
  16. A Dirge
  17. The Brook
  18. A Lullaby
  19. September
  20. A Prayer for Old Age
  21. A Baby
  22. Nocturne
  23. The Woman
  24. Old Man Rain
  25. The Vampire
  26. The Lady of the Hills
  27. In November
  28. Comrades
  29. March
  30. Art
  31. Joy
  32. The Artist
  33. Home
  34. A Ghost of Yesterday
  35. Summer
  36. The Lamp at the Window
  37. The Blind God
  38. Gipsies
  39. Kentucky
  40. After Autumn Rain
  41. June
  42. The Pessimist
  43. A Dreamer of Dreams
  44. The King
  45. The Wind at Night
  46. August
  47. Love and the Sea
  48. The Rendezvous
  49. In the Forest
  50. Encouragement
  51. Boyhood
  52. A Fallen Beech
  53. A Light in the Window
  54. Then and Now
  55. In Winter
  56. The Boy in the Rain
  57. The Dream of Christ
  58. A Forest Child
  59. The Sleeper
  60. The Sea-King
  61. A Coign of the Forest
  62. Before the End
  63. Kinship
  64. The Pond
  65. Mater Dolorosa
  66. The Thorn Tree
  67. Bertrand De Born
  68. Echo
  69. Avalon
  70. Revisited
  71. Child and Father
  72. A Blown Rose
  73. A Southern Girl
  74. Insomnia
  75. Beech Blooms
  76. Masked
  77. The Tree-Toad
  78. The Unattainable
  79. The Rain
  80. In the Storm
  81. Response
  82. A Catch
  83. Opium
  84. The Criminal
  85. A Song in Season
  86. Mrs. Browning
  87. Aprilian
  88. Elusion
  89. Ambition
  90. A Dark Day
  91. Indifference
  92. The Speckled Trout
  93. Victory
  94. At the End of the Road
  95. Joy's Magic
  96. Deity
  97. Restraint
  98. Pause
  99. The Man Hunt
  100. Consecration
  101. The Universal Wind
  102. Dogtown
  103. Occult
  104. Dilly Dally
  105. Authorities
  106. The Water-Maid
  107. Rose and Leaf
  108. The Land of Illusion
  109. Catkins
  110. The Hills
  111. An Anemone
  112. Creole Serenade
  113. Pictured
  114. Aubade
  115. Witnesses
  116. Lydia
  117. A Woodland Grave
  118. The Three Urgandas
  119. The Wood God
  120. At the Ferry
  121. Oglethorpe
  122. The Moon Spirit
  123. The Troubadour of Trebizend
  124. Face to Face
  125. A Mayapple Flower
  126. Despair
  127. Disillusion
  128. The Ohio Falls
  129. The Quarrel
  130. The Long Room
  131. The Jessamine and the Morning-Glory
  132. Song of the Spirits of Spring
  133. Hylas
  134. Fulfillment
  135. In Middle Spring
  136. In Summer
  137. Unanointed
  138. A Road Song
  139. A Guinevere
  140. Foreword to Weeds by the Wall
  141. Storm Sabbat
  142. The Yarrow
  143. Assumption
  144. The Old Inn
  145. Her Portrait
  146. Beetle and Moth
  147. He Who Loves
  148. Longing
  149. At Twenty-One
  150. Trees
  151. At Moonrise
  152. Dusk in the Woods
  153. My Suit
  154. Failure
  155. Bubbles
  156. Finale
  157. Falerina
  158. A Yellow Rose
  159. Helen
  160. Conclusion
  161. Tomboy
  162. Gray Skies
  163. Mutatis Mutandis
  164. Lalage
  165. Hackelnberg
  166. Ragamuffin
  167. The Road Back
  168. The Picture
  169. Lincoln
  170. Beyond
  171. The Call of April
  172. A Last Word
  173. The Ribbon
  174. The Intruder
  175. Poe
  176. Unattainable
  177. Broken Music
  178. The Haunted House
  179. Airy Tongues
  180. In June
  181. Persephone
  182. A Belgian Christmas
  183. The Night-Rain
  184. Spring on the Hills
  185. Omens
  186. The “Kentucky”
  187. Transmutation
  188. Worship
  189. The Puritans' Christmas
  190. At Last
  191. At Sunset
  192. Annisquam
  193. On Midsummer Night
  194. Youth
  195. Last Days
  196. Reconciliation
  197. Processional
  198. The Soul
  199. The Lost Garden
  200. The Elements
  201. Fall
  202. Baby Mary
  203. The Land of Candy
  204. Old Sis Snow
  205. Carpe Diem
  206. Night and Rain
  207. A Threnody
  208. Communicants
  209. The Winter Moon
  210. To a Wind-Flower
  211. The Rue-Anemone
  212. Little Boy Sleepy
  213. After a Night of Rain
  214. Heart of My Heart
  215. Her Eyes
  216. In an Old Garden
  217. Portents
  218. Romance (Oh, go not to the lonely hill)
  219. The Festival of the Aisne
  220. The Sweet o' the Year
  221. The White Vigil
  222. In a Garden
  223. Wood Notes
  224. Autumn Etchings
  225. Hymn to Spiritual Desire
  226. The Eve of All-Saints
  227. The Coward
  228. The Ploughboy
  229. Nothing to Do
  230. Can I Forget?
  231. Why Should I Pine?
  232. Ismael
  233. Loyalty
  234. The Cry of Earth
  235. Old Ghosts
  236. Enchantment
  237. Take Heart
  238. Womanhood
  239. Wherefore
  240. The Limnad
  241. Frost in May
  242. Love's Calendar
  243. Demeter
  244. Dies Illa
  245. The Angel with the Book
  246. The Magic Purse
  247. Zyps of Zirl
  248. At the Stile
  249. Going for the Cows
  250. Santa Claus
  251. Experience
  252. The Hamadryad
  253. Waves
  254. A Night in June
  255. Days and Dreams
  256. Bare Boughs
  257. In the Mountains
  258. Night and Storm at Gloucester
  259. Sunset on the River
  260. A Song for Labor
  261. The Gladiolas
  262. Semper Idem
  263. The Aurora
  264. A Wet Day
  265. Achievement
  266. On the Hilltop
  267. Robert Browning
  268. The Old Herb-Man
  269. Garden and Gardener
  270. Katydids and the Moon
  271. Swinging
  272. Zero
  273. Days and Days
  274. Drouth in Autumn
  275. Happy-Go-Lucky
  276. Mignon
  277. Riders in the Night
  278. The Screech-Owl
  279. Pagan
  280. Corncob Jones
  281. Answered
  282. The Iron Cross
  283. Two Lives
  284. Below the Sunset's Range of Rose
  285. The White Evening
  286. Epiphany
  287. The Torrent
  288. Vine and Sycamore
  289. Elfin
  290. Under the Hunter's Moon
  291. The Waning Year
  292. For the Old
  293. By the Summer Sea
  294. Berrying
  295. Haunted
  296. Unfulfilled
  297. Here Is the Place Where Loveliness Keeps House
  298. The Wind Witch
  299. Autumn Sorrow
  300. The Battle
  301. At Nineveh
  302. Dream Road
  303. The Sea Faery
  304. To Sorrow
  305. The Passing Glory
  306. The Farmstead
  307. La Beale Isoud
  308. Dead Sea Fruit
  309. Above the Vales
  310. Dawn in the Alleghanies
  311. Forevermore
  312. Moss and Fern
  313. Nearing Christmas
  314. Quiet
  315. The Menace
  316. The Scarecrow
  317. Floridian
  318. The Hunter's Moon
  319. Pixy Wood
  320. The Dance of Summer
  321. The Creek
  322. The Toad
  323. Late November
  324. The Town Witch
  325. Adversity
  326. Evasion
  327. Lilith
  328. Gertrude
  329. A Midsummer Day
  330. A Sunset Fancy
  331. By the Annisquam
  332. Little Bird
  333. Meeting in Summer
  334. Solstice
  335. Second Sight
  336. Rembrandts
  337. The Birthday Party
  338. The Bush-Sparrow
  339. The Rag-Picker
  340. The Village Miser
  341. The Raid
  342. Clearing
  343. Dithyrambics
  344. High on a Hill
  345. Prototypes
  346. Shadows
  347. The Wood Anemone
  348. Tramps
  349. A Song for Yule

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