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Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))


There is the silence of a copse or croft
When the wind sinks dumb,
And of a belfry-loft
When the tenor after tolling stops its hum.

And there’s the silence of a lonely pond
Where a man was drowned,
Nor nigh nor yond
A newt, frog, toad, to make the merest sound.

But the rapt silence of an empty house
Where oneself was born,
Dwelt, held carouse
With friends, is of all silences most forlorn!

Past are remembered songs and music-strains
Once audible there:
Roof, rafters, panes
Look absent-thoughted, tranced, or locked in prayer.

It seems no power on earth can waken it
Or rouse its rooms,
Or its past permit
The present to stir a torpor like a tomb’s.

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. Zermatt: To the Matterhorn
  2. The Wedding Morning
  3. O I Won’t Lead a Homely Life
  4. A Woman Driving
  5. Rake-Hell Muses

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