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Alfred Tennyson (Альфред Теннисон)

Minnie and Winnie

Minnie and Winnie
Slept in a shell.
Sleep, little ladies!
And they slept well.

Pink was the shell within,
Silver without;
Sounds of the great sea
Wander'd about.

Sleep, little ladies!
Wake not soon!
Echo on echo
Dies to the moon.

Two bright stars
Peep'd into the shell.
"What are you dreaming of?
Who can tell?"

Started a green linnet
Out of the croft;
Wake, little ladies,
The sun is aloft! 

Alfred Tennyson's other poems:
  1. In the Valley of Cauteretz
  2. The Cock
  3. The Sailor Boy
  4. Requiescat
  5. Beautiful City

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