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Alfred Tennyson (Альфред Теннисон)

In the Valley of Cauteretz

ALL along the valley, stream that flashest white,
Deepening thy voice with the deepening of the night,
All along the valley, where thy waters flow,
I walked with one I loved two and thirty years ago.
All along the valley while I walked to-day,
The two and thirty years were a mist that rolls away;
For all along the valley, down thy rocky bed
Thy living voice to me was as the voice of the dead,
And all along the valley, by rock and cave and tree,
The voice of the dead was a living voice to me.

Alfred Tennyson's other poems:
  1. The Cock
  2. The Sailor Boy
  3. Requiescat
  4. Beautiful City
  5. The War

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