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Margaret Cavendish (Маргарет Кавендиш)

Atomes and Motion Fall Out

WHen Motion, and all Atomes disagree,
Thunder in Skies, and sicknesse in Men bee,
Earthquakes, and Windes which make disorder great,
Tis when that Motion all the Atomes beate.
In this confusion a horrid noise they make,
For Motion will not let them their right places take.
Like frighted Flocks of Sheepe together run,
Thus Motion like a Wolfe doth worry them. 

Margaret Cavendish's other poems:
  1. The Bignesse of Atomes
  2. All Sharpe Atomes Do Run To The Center, And
  3. Motion Directs, While Atomes Dance
  4. Of the Sympathy of Atomes
  5. What Atomes Make the Wind Collick

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