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Alan Alexander Milne (Алан Александр Милн)

Cottleston Pie

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
Why does a chicken? I don't know why.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie,
A fish can't whistle and neither can I.
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Cottleston Cottleston Cottleston Pie. 

Alan Alexander Milne's other poems:
  1. Как появился Бог?Explained
  2. Jonathan Jo
  3. The Four Friends
  4. Furry Bear
  5. The Wrong House

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