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Margaret Cavendish (Маргарет Кавендиш)

Of the Center

IN Infinites no Center can be laid,
But if the World has Limits, Center's made.
For whatsoe're's with Circumference fac'd,
A Center in the midst must needs be plac'd.
This makes all Formes that Limit have; and Bound,
To have a Center, and Circumference round.
This is the Cause; the World in circle runs,
Because a Center hath whereon it turnes.
The Center small, Circumference big without,
Which by the weight doth make it turne about. 

Margaret Cavendish's other poems:
  1. The Bignesse of Atomes
  2. All Sharpe Atomes Do Run To The Center, And
  3. Motion Directs, While Atomes Dance
  4. Of the Sympathy of Atomes
  5. What Atomes Make the Wind Collick

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