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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Eliza Acton (Элиза Эктон)


The hour when Fancy, and Remembrance, weave
Their fairest tissue of enchanted dreams.

Twilight! still season of deep communings,
And holiest hopes, and tears of tenderness,
Which soothe the soul in falling, as the dew
Freshens the fading flower, how sweet, and dear,
To me, the shadow of thy coming is !—
Beneath the magic of thy soothing spell,
The wilder throbbings of my heart grow hush'd
Almost to peacefulness; while from my mind
Departs the hurried fever, which doth wear
Its powers away amid life's busier scenes,

And I awake to soft imaginings,—
And gentle thoughts,—and mingled memories,
Of sadness, and delight.—Oh! Joy may love
The brilliant beaming of the morning sun,
When the full splendour of his living rays
Kindles the Eastern heav'n; but unto me,
The faintest ling'ring of his farewell gleam
Is far more beautiful,—for it doth give.
A promise of that touching quietude,—
—Thine own peculiar charm,—with which thou still
Dost herald in the night!

Eliza Acton's other poems:
  1. Forgive Thee! - Yes
  2. Le Trist Adieu
  3. Portrait
  4. A Sketch
  5. Song

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Caroline Norton (Каролина Нортон) Twilight ("IT is the twilight hour")
  • Henry Longfellow (Генри Лонгфелло) Twilight ("The twilight is sad and cloudy")
  • Hazel Hall (Хазел Холл) Twilight ("TIPTOEING twilight")
  • Fitz-Greene Halleck (Фиц-Грин Халлек) Twilight ("There is an evening twilight of the heart")
  • Amy Levy (Эми Леви) Twilight ("So Mary died last night! To-day")
  • Sara Teasdale (Сара Тисдейл) Twilight ("Dreamily over the roofs")
  • Lucy Montgomery (Люси Монтгомери) Twilight ("From vales of dawn hath Day pursued the Night")
  • Louisa Bevington (Луиза Бевингтон) Twilight ("GREY the sky, and growing dimmer")

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