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Lucretia Maria Davidson (Лукреция Мария Дэвидсон)

To Science

  (Written in her thirteenth year.)

Let others in false Pleasure's court be found,
But may I ne'er be whirled the giddy round;
Let me ascend with Genius' rapid flight,
Till the fair hill of Science meets my sight.

Blest with a pilot who my feet will guide,
Direct my way, whene'er I step aside;
May one bright ray of Science on me shine,
And be the gift of learning ever mine.

Lucretia Maria Davidson's other poems:
  1. Cupid’s Bower
  2. The Grave
  3. On the Death of the Beautiful Mrs.--
  4. The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
  5. Stilling the Waves

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