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Lucretia Maria Davidson (Лукреция Мария Дэвидсон)

Farewell to Miss E. B.

 (Written in her sixteenth year)

Farewell, and whenever calm solitude's hour,
Shall silently spread its broad wings o'er your bower,
Oh! then gaze on yon planet, yon watch-fire divine,
And believe that my soul is there mingling with thine.

When the dark brow of evening is beaming with stars,
And yon crest of light clouds is the turban she wears,
When she walks forth in grandeur, the queen of the night,
Oh! then think that my spirit looks on with delight.

O'er the ocean of life our frail vessels are bounding,
And danger and death our dark pathway surrounding;
Destruction's bright meteors are dancing before,
And behind us the winds of adversity roar.

Oh! then come, let us light friendship's lamp on the wave,
If we're lost, it will shed its pure light o'er the grave,
Or 't will guide to the haven of Heaven at last,
And beam on when the voice of the trumpet hath past.

Lucretia Maria Davidson's other poems:
  1. Cupid’s Bower
  2. The Grave
  3. The Wee Flower of the Heather
  4. To a Friend, Whom I Had Not Seen Since My Childhood
  5. On Seeing a Picture of the Virgin Mary, Painted Several Centuries Since

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