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Louisa Sarah Bevington (Луиза Сара Бевингтон)

Tell Me


TELL me, Mother Nature, tell,--
What of heaven and what of hell?
Who doth ill and who doth well?
Tell me, Mother Nature.


Well is done where firmlier life
Cometh forth from any strife;
Where life-happiness is rife:--
Love to live, my creature.


What of love? With what intent
Is my life with loving blent,--
Sacrifice and sacrament?
Tell me, Mother Nature.


Loveless life is null and vain;
Love alone is worthy gain,
Love alone is worthy pain;--
Live to love, my creature.

Louisa Sarah Bevington's other poems:
  1. Love's Breadth
  2. Am I to Lose You?
  3. Peace on Earth
  4. The Most Beautiful Thing
  5. “Merle Wood”

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