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Arthur Guiterman (Артур Гитерман)

Habits of the Hippopotamus

The hippopotamus is strong
And huge of head and broad of bustle;
The limbs on which he rolls along
Are big with hippopotomuscle.

He does not greatly care for sweets
Like ice cream, apple pie, or custard,
But takes to flavor what he eats
A little hippopotomustard.

The hippopotamus is true
To his principles, and just;
He always tries his best to do
The things one hippopotomust.

He never rides in trucks or trams,
In taxicabs or omnibuses,
And so keeps out of traffic jams
And other hippopotomusses. 

Arthur Guiterman's other poems:
  1. Strictly Germ-proof
  2. Sea Sickness
  3. The Traveler
  4. The Legend of the First Cam-u-el
  5. Pithecanthropus Erectus

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