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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Lola Ridge (Лола Ридж)

The Foundling

Snow wraiths circle us
Like washers of the dead,
Flapping their white wet cloths
About the grizzled head,
Where the coarse hair mats like grass,
And the efficient wind
With cold professional baste
Probes like a lancet
Through the cotton shirt...

About us are white cliffs and space.
No façades show,
Nor roof nor any spire...
All sheathed in snow...
The parasitic snow
That clings about them like a blight.

Only detached lights
Float hazily like greenish moons,
And endlessly
Down the whore-street,
Accouched and comforted and sleeping warm,
The blizzard waltzes with the night.

Lola Ridge's other poems:
  1. East River
  2. “The Everlasting Return”
  3. Broadway
  4. Flotsam
  5. Fuel

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edith Thomas (Эдит Томас) The Foundling ("The good man sat before the fire")

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  • Рейтинг@Mail.ru

    Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru