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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Lola Ridge (Лола Ридж)

A Worn Rose

Where to-day would a dainty buyer
Imbibe your scented juice,
Pale ruin with a heart of fire;
Drain your succulence with her lips,
Grown sapless from much use…
Make minister of her desire
A chalice cup where no bee sips -
Where no wasp wanders in?

Close to her white flesh housed an hour,
One held you… her spent form
Drew on yours for its wasted dower -
What favour could she do you more?
Yet, of all who drink therein,
None know it is the warm
Odorous heart of a ravished flower
Tingles so in her mouth's red core…

Lola Ridge's other poems:
  1. Broadway
  2. “The Everlasting Return”
  3. The Destroyer
  4. The Ghetto
  5. To the Others

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