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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Lola Ridge (Лола Ридж)

To the Others

I see you, refulgent ones,
Burning so steadily
Like big white arc lights...
There are so many of you.
I like to watch you weaving--
Altogether and with precision
Each his ray--
Your tracery of light,
Making a shining way about America.

I note your infinite reactions--
In glassware
And sequin
And puddles
And bits of jet--
And here and there a diamond...

But you do not yet see me,
Who am a torch blown along the wind,
Flickering to a spark
But never out.

Lola Ridge's other poems:
  1. East River
  2. “The Everlasting Return”
  3. Broadway
  4. Flotsam
  5. North Wind

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) To the Others ("This was the gleam then that lured from far")

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