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Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок)

A Bivouac


  You came without a human sound,
    You came and brought my soul to me;
  I only woke, and all around
  They slumbered on the firelit ground,
    Beside the guns in Burgundy.


  I felt the gesture of your hands,
    You signed my forehead with the Cross;
  The gesture of your holy hands
  Was bounteous--like the misty lands
    Along the Hills in Calvados.


  But when I slept I saw your eyes,
    Hungry as death, and very far.
  I saw demand in your dim eyes
  Mysterious as the moons that rise
    At midnight, in the Pines of Var.

Hilaire Belloc's other poems:
  1. Noël
  2. To Dives
  3. Courtesy
  4. Stanzas Written on Battersea Bridge during a South-Westerly Gale
  5. In a Boat

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