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Robert Burns (Роберт Бернс)

Stay My Charmer

Stay my charmer, can you leave me?
Cruel, cruel to deceive me;
Well you know how much you grieve me;
Cruel charmer, can you go!
Cruel charmer, can you go!

By my love so ill-requited,
By the faith you fondly plighted,
By the pangs of lovers slighted,
Do not, do not liave me so!
Do not, do not leave me so! 

Переводы на другие языки (Translations into another languages):

Robert Burns's other poems:
  1. I Gaed a Waefu' Gate Yestreen
  2. Blythe Was She
  3. Farewell to Ballochmyle
  4. Gala Water
  5. Bessy and Her Spinnin’ Wheel

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