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Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) Sheep and Lambs All in the April evening, April airs were abroad; The sheep with their little lambs Passed me by on the road. The sheep with their little lambs Passed me by on the road; All in the April evening I thought on the Lamb of God. The lambs were weary and crying With a weak, human cry. I thought on the Lamb of God Going meekly to die. Up in the blue, blue mountains Dewy pastures are sweet; Rest for the little bodies, Rest for the little feet. But for the Lamb of God, Up on the hill-top green, Only a Cross of shame Two stark crosses between. All in the April evening, April airs were abroad; I saw the sheep with their lambs, And thought on the Lamb of God. Katharine Tynan's other poems: Распечатать (To print) Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1213 |
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